In Memoriam

40th-Reunion Committee Classmates Pictures

There has gone some richness from the life we knew......
Bob Backus Evan Karelitz Eric Nemec
Anthony Bittner George Kehlert Danny O'Connell
John Blaszczak Kae Krusey Jeffrey Pavinich
David Boring Bob Larkin Thomas Regotti
Thomas Byers Tim Lawrence Daryl Robinson
Danny (Chin) Moy Karen Lehr Richard Schofield
John Doheny Kim Leighton Sam Shearer
Pam Earl Greg Lester Chuck Signore
Deborah Flenner Bill McNemar Dave Sims
David Fellin Larry Mignogna Steven Sowers
George Fischer Ronald Mahan James (Curt) Steele
Clyde Gallagher Linda Marshall John Strapple
Fred Getz Bill McAllister Jackie Toothman
John Gwaltney John McNeff Eddie Uherek
Margaret Haas Tom McBride David Whitmore
John Hall Lee Miller Anthony Wisniewski
David Honigsberg Ronald Neil David Wolpert
William Hutchison    


....may they always be in our hearts and memories.

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This page was last updated 8/15/16.  The names above regarding our deceased classmates have been provided by family members, friends and fellow classmates. can not assume any responsibility for incorrect information.